VacciCheck Titer Testing Clinics
At Vicarage Vets, we hold bi-monthly titre testing clinics where we can test your dog's antibody levels against Canine Distemper Virus, Canine Parvovirus & Canine Adenovirus (Infectious Canine Hepatitis).
Our next titer testing clinic dates will be:
Vaccinations are extremely important in dogs & cats to allow them to build immunity and fight diseases. However there is a great deal of variation in an individual animal's ability to build immunity and how long that protection lasts for. Titer testing allows vets to determine whether revaccination is necessary against certain diseases to prevent under and over vaccinating.
Please note these appointments are open to both clients and non-clients.
Price- £40 per dog
If you would like to book in on one of these dates or be added to our mailing list for future dates, please contact us on 01522 703311 or complete the form below.