In- house Diagnostics
At Vicarage Vets, we have all of the latest diagnostic tools to help us assess your pet’s health quickly and accurately. With x-rays, ultrasound, blood testing and more available on-site, we can diagnose a variety of conditions efficiently, ensuring your pet gets the right treatment as soon as possible
We have both biochemistry and haematology blood analysers on site which allows us to test for multiple conditions such as kidney & liver disease, pancreatitis, diabetes and anaemia. With results within 20 minutes, we are able to rapidly start treatment plans. For more specific tests & biopsies, we submit the samples to an external lab.
We also run titre testing clinics every couple of months which can tell us if your dog’s vaccine is still effective for our clients who prefer to check before they revaccinate.
We offer full abdominal & cardiac ultrasound scans. Ultrasound scanning allows us to visualise the organs and other soft tissues of the body in order to look for disease and abnormalities. Your pet will usually need to have their hair clipped for this procedure to allow the ultrasound waves to pass through. These scans are often performed whilst your pet is awake but in some patients a light sedation may be necessary to help keep them settled during the procedure.
We can also perform pregnancy diagnosis in dogs & cats, we generally recommend waiting at least 4 weeks after mating before having your pet scanned so that the fetuses are developed enough for us to see.
We have both standard and dental digital x-ray machines on site. X-rays can be very useful in a range of different situations, including to investigate lameness, identify fractures and to look for bladder stones, foreign bodies and some tumours. Sedation is often needed for us to take accurate x-rays but in some cases, if your pet is calm and able to lay comfortably, we may be able to take them whilst they are awake.
Dental x-rays are performed under a general anaesthetic & can help us identify problems which aren’t visible from the surface of the teeth & aid us in determining which teeth need to be extracted.
We can also take x-rays for BVA hip & elbow scoring for our clients who are hoping to breed their pets. Please note: all dogs must be at least 1 years old & due to the very precise positioning required for these, sedation is always required.
Results can take up to 1 month to return from the BSAVA scoring panel, so please plan in advance.
We offer bronchoscopy for further investigation of certain respiratory cases. A bronchoscope allows us to view the respiratory tract from the inside with a camera so we can see signs of inflammation, remove foreign bodies/ blockages and obtain samples. A full general anaesthetic is required for this procedure.
We offer electrocardiograms in certain cases if we suspect your pet may have an underlying heart problem. The ECG machine shows us the electrical activity of the heart so we can detect irregular heart rates & rhythms in order to diagnose certain types of underlying heart disease. This test is performed whilst your dog/ cat is awake and is painless, non-invasive and relatively quick.